Freitag, 30. November 2012

Day 7

Hi sweet fluffy plushies!!!
Hope you have a good time <3
Today I write about ten
persons that inspire me.
Let´s start!!

1.) Maki
Isn´t she cute?!
She was my first lolita idol.
I really want to meet her and
I hope this whish come true <3
2.) Mana-sama
At first I thought Mana-sama is freaky,
but now I adore him <3
He has such a beautiful and
elegant style, which inspires
I also always like his make-up
and hairstyle
3.) Princess-Peachie
Princess peachie is just great.
Her videos have moved me to
buy my first lolita dress.
The best is to see her always
so happy in her videos.
Peachie stays with her style and
is really glad with it.
I can only recommend everyone
to look at her youtube channel.
4.) Misako Aoki
I love her style and all
of her coordinates.
She and Maki inspire
me most for my
5.) Ayano
This is the shopgirl from "La pafait" and
her name is Ayano.
I also like Hime gyaru fashion and
she´s my idol in this style <3
6.) Kyary Pamyu Pamyu
I love kyary pamyu pamyu´s
songs and her wild and crazy
She inspire´s me at most in
7.) Moon Kana

Moon kana is soo crazy and
because of that I like
She has success exactly,
because she is different.
I think this is a great motivator.
8.) Venus Angelic

Venus angelic is my idol for make-up.
I watched all of her videos.
I think it´s great that she has
learned japanese herself.
9.) Rinrin
Another cute person!!
Rinrin the model
from angelic pretty <3
I also want to be a lolita model!!!
(Who not XD)

10.) Kanon Wakeshima

Her music inspire´s me in
my lolita life <3
She is so elegant and I
think she has a real
lolita personality
Here are my ten idols!!! ;)
Hope you enjoyed it ^^
I would be soo glad if you
write comments!!
Who is your idol??
Love you all <3
Kisses ღ˘⌣˘ღ

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