Donnerstag, 20. September 2012


Hi my sugary loli-lovers!!
How are you?

Today I will answer a few questions.
The questions come from the blog of
my sweet friend Yaya <3

Nickname and date of birth.
My Nickname is Chiyo.
My birthday is on the third january
and I´m born in the year 1996.
So, now I´m sweet sixteen. 。◕‿◕。

Where were you born and where do you live now?
I´m born in Austria and still live there.

Why did you start wearing lolita?
I've always been a very imaginative person. In my
childhood (and still today) I loved
Alice in Wonderland. @゜▽゜@
I've always liked the Japanese street fashion, cause
the people in Harajuku just wear what they like
and they don´t care what other people think.
One day I came across Lolita fashion and
I fell in love with the Alice-like dresses.
Since then I have started to wear this fashion.

♡"Alice in Wonderland" is still my favorite film.♡
Which Lolita-Style do you like the most?
I think every Lolita-Style has its incentives.
My favorite Style is Sweet lolita and
with that also OTT style and old school sweet.
But sometimes when I feel like it, I
also wear Gothic or Classic.
Which Lolita-Style would you not like to wear?
I think every Style is interesting, but I would
probably never wear Punk or Guro Lolita. ✖‿✖
Describe your dream Lolita-Outfit.
My dream Lolita-Outfit is the dreamy
Dollhouse from Angelic Pretty.
Unfortunately, I don´t own T∇T
I´m sure that I still can get it somewhere.
Hopefully XD
♡Dreamy Dollhouse from AP♡
Do you have pearcings or tattoos?
Only my ears are pierced.
I wish, I would be not so afraid and
get a tattoo. (͡๏̯͡๏)
I´d really like a little heart on my wrist.
Currently I have no tattoos.
What´s your favorite Lolita-brand?
I just love Angelic pretty!
The clothes of them look as if they
would come from a picture book.
But I also like Baby, the stars shine bright.
This brand has really lovely and
fairytale pieces.
What´s your favorite piece in your closet?
In any case my sugary carnival dress from AP!!! ◞ิ౪◟ิ

♡I really adore this dress♡

How many Lolita-friends do you have?
I have one really good and lovely
lolita-friend and that´s Yaya. ❁´◡`❁
I think, it´s not significant how many
friends do you have.
The main thing is that you have a
strong friendship.
What do you like most about Lolita?
I feel like Alice in Wonderland!!!
Only the rabbit and the hatter are missing.
What do you disslike about Lolita?
Some people confuse our fashion
with the Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov.
Unfortunately we must always defend
 that our fashion is nothing sexual. ─‿‿─
Which Lolita-Magazine do you read regularly?
None, but I like to look at the photos in the Gothic
Lolita Bible sometimes.
♡That´s a really popular magazine for Lolitas♡
Headdress, bonnet or head eating bow?
I love all three variants.
But I think, a bonnet gives you really
the dolly look. ◑‿◐
A head eating bow let you look childish
and innocent.
And with a headdress you can get a
very elegant look.
Do you wear bloomers?
I still have no bloomers. I think
they are cute, but they irritate me under
the dress XD
I´ll buy some soon, but I think this will
remain my only pair.
What´s your favorite music?
Currently I love kyary Pamyu Pamyu.
But I also like the music from Adam Lambert.
It's more mainstream but, he's
my idol at the moment. (-^〇^-)
It´s not without a reason, that he´s sometimes
called Mr.Gaga.

What´s your ringtone?
It´s the cute song Dango Daikazoku
from the series Clannad. ∩_∩
♡ I think, it´s the cutest ringtone I ever had♡
Do you work/ go to school/ study?
I go to school.
I still have four years school and than
I want to study.
Do you attend Meet-ups?
Unfortunately, I missed all. ˘v˘
I was only present at conventions.
But I hope that I can soon go
to my first Meet-up.
Which colours do you like most in Lolita?
I think you can see it quite good on my
Blog-page XD
I like at most the colours baby pink and
sax blue.
♡I hope, that you can find out a little bit more of me♡
♡with my answers.♡
♡If you have any questions you want to know from me, please♡
♡feel free to contact me.♡
♡And please write a lot of comments!♡
Kisses ღ˘⌣˘ღ

2 Kommentare:

  1. aww, ich bin froh deine Freundin zu sein. <3
    Und dein Klingelton ist total süß *-*

  2. Ich liebe meinen Klingelton XD
    Und ich bin auch froh deine Freundin zu sein <3
    Hab dich lieb!
